Young Talent Research Stay Program 2

The CTTC’s Young Talent Research Stay Program gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself into the latest research and innovations in telecommunications and geomatics. This program will allow you to participate in the daily activities of our research community. An international research team including CTTC own research personnel, hosted students and visitors from a diverse research international background (academic, industry and private sector, etc).

This program particularly aims to encourage your interest in research and technology development and strengthen the skills to carry out a TFG or a TFM work. It will provide you with practice in a renowned research center environment. You will develop your skills and learn from a wide range of technologies in the fields of positioning/navigation, remote sensing, radio access, network protocols, edge/distributed computing, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop and manage complex telecommunication and information networks or how are they helping to discover new radio access and transmission systems or design sustainable networks.

CTTC is a CERCA research center with more than 20 years of active contribution to the advance of telecommunication networks, systems and services. The later inclusion of the Geomatics research unit enriched the research and development impact on navigation, Earth observation and geohazards monitoring and risk management. CTTC also has a very powerful experimental and testing infrastructure that will allow you to gain expertise and experience in state-of-the art development tools and laboratory equipment (both software and hardware).

Closes: 27/07/2024

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