Master Student - Homomorphic Encryption (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Accelerators and Communications for HPC team leads cutting-edge research and development around accelerators/coprocessors in HPC. We are involved in low-level networking and MPI research, collaborating directly with leading vendors such as Mellanox. We collaborate closely with the two major accelerator/coprocessor vendors for HPC: NVIDIA and Intel. While we run the BSC/UPC NVIDIA GPU Center of Excellence, we also collaborate with the Intel-BSC Exascale Lab. activities. We organize locally international events such as the PUMPS Summer School, PATC Courses on CUDA/OpenACC, and the Annual BCS/UPC HPC Hackathon, and collaborate in the organization of related international conferences and workshops such as SC, IEEE Cluster, or AsHES.

Key Duties

  • Help on R&D around Homomorphic Encryption in HPC

Data de tancament: Dimecres, 31 Juliol, 2024

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