Work in Greece II |- EURES - European Job Days

This is the 2nd European Online Job Day in Greece regarding Tourism, Hospitality and Catering sectors! The event is exclusively focused on giving a consecutive opportunity to connect jobseekers from all EU/EEA countries with Greek Employers for the Summer Season 2024.

Are you a European jobseeker, looking for a job opportunity in the Tourism Sector in Greece?

Are you an Employer, who wants to promote your job vacancies throughout Europe?

Then join us!!! In order to participate, you will have to create an account, or log in to your account if you already have one to join.

Information for jobseekers: as a jobseeker, you can: 

  • register online prior to the event,
  • look up the profiles of the registered Greek employers,
  • apply for the job offers.

Quan: 15 April 2024

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