Material per conèixer l'entorn (6)

Circularity Gap Report 2024

3X The circular economy has reached megatrend status. The volume of discussions, debates and articles on the concept has almost tripled over the past five years.

-21% But global circularity is still in decline. The share of secondary materials consumed by the global economy has decreased from 9.1% in 2018 to 7.2% in 2023—a 21% drop over the course of five years.

28% And consumption continues to accelerate. In the same period, we have consumed over 500 gigatonnes. That's 28% of all the materials humanity has consumed since 1900.

KPMG Global Economic Outlook - H2 2023 report

A theme that’s become all too familiar in KPMG’s Global Economic Outlook is uncertainty. For many, 2023 was another year when the medicine at times felt worse than the illness. Central banks tightened their belts with tough monetary policies aimed at reigning in spiralling inflation. It appears to have paid off, but at the cost of economic stagnation for many regions and a continued squeeze on consumer spending.

KPMG’s latest Global Economic Outlook offers a sense of what lies ahead, with the clear health warning once again that we’re in deeply uncertain times, and therefore our predictions are just that – a forecast based on the few certainties that exist right now and the long-term trends that can help us piece together a complex future.

Anàlisi de l'ecosistema startup a Catalunya 2023. ACCIÓ

L’ecosistema startup de Catalunya segueix creixent a un ritme constant. Si l’any passat superàvem per primera vegada les 2.000 empreses emergents, aquest 2023 el nombre de startups ha escalat fins a les 2.102. Una xifra de rècord i que multiplica per dos les registrades l'any 2016. Es tracta d’un ecosistema molt viu que dona feina a més de 20.600 treballadors i que factura més de 2.100 milions d’euros, un 14,5% més que el 2021.

Tot plegat són dades de l’informe Anàlisi de l’ecosistema startup a Catalunya 2023 que radiografia les principals xifres i tendències del sector. Aquest estudi està basat en les dades de la plataforma digital Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub, el directori de referència de l’ecosistema emprenedor de casa nostra.

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