Support Technician Position per el Computer Vision Center

Main responsibilities:

● Experimental Design and Execution: Design and execute psychophysical experiments to evaluate the performance of TMOs. These experiments will involve comparing digitally-generated images both amongst themselves (digital to digital) and against real scenes (digital to real). Ensure that experiments are conducted in controlled environments representing diverse real-life scenarios.

● Data Analysis: Analyse experimental data to assess the effectiveness of different TMOs. Evaluate local relationships among lightness levels, global visual similarity, naturalness between physical scenes and tone-mapped images, and aesthetic appeal of the generated images. Utilize statistical methods to derive meaningful insights from the data.

● Algorithm Evaluation: Rank TMOs based on experimental outcomes, considering factors such as grayscale and intrinsic image properties conservation, faithfulness to reality, and aesthetic appeal. Identify correlations between different metrics to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each TMO.

Deadline: 04/03/2023 - 23:59 h

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