NATO Internship Programme

The NATO Headquarters (HQ) organise an internship programme, to provide a small number of current or recent students with the opportunity to gain experience at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

There is one call for applications per year, in Spring, with two starting dates, in September and March the following year. Internships will in principle last between 6 and 8 months.

Internships are offered in the NATO Divisions

What does NATO offer?

  • Remuneration: Interns receive a monthly stipend of EUR 1,235. The salary is not exempt from taxation.
  • Travel: Interns will be reimbursed for their travel expenses on taking up duty and on leaving the service based on a return economy ticket and for an amount of up to 1,200 Euro.
  • Leave: After three months of service, interns shall be entitled to leave (including sick leave) at the rate of 2.5 working days for every month of service completed.

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