Cybersecurity Futures 2030 Scenario Narratives and Reading Guide. UC Berkeley

This document contains four scenarios that describe alternative futures in which the cybersecurity problem set that we know today has changed in distinctive ways. These scenarios were created by the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity as provocations for our Cybersecurity Futures 2030 initiative. 

Scenarios are not meant to be predictions. Rather, scenarios are tools for ordering perceptions about alternative future environments in which today’s and tomorrow’s decisions will play out. The purpose of these four scenarios is to sketch an imaginative map of the possibility space that cybersecurity decisionmakers will navigate over the next five or so years. You can think of each scenario as a model that isolates a few critical driving forces; highlights how those driving forces change what people and organizations do; and then adds complexity by factoring in social, technological, economic, political, and/or environmental variables to build a plausible narrative that reveals how systems (human, political, technical, etc.) could evolve in the coming years. As with any model, the payoff is a set of hypotheses, in this case about the opportunities and challenges that will arise for organizations and individuals at the intersection of technology and society between now and 2030.

We have included reflections and a reading guide to accompany each of the following scenarios, summarizing global viewpoints on why these stories are happening, what else would be logically connected to or divergent from the main plot lines in various parts of the world, where blind spots lie, and how influential actors in business, government, and civil society might react and respond.


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