Master Student - NLP for Biomedical Information Analysis (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The NLP for Biomedical Information Analysis Unit of the BSC-CNS is funded through the Plan de Impulso de las Tecnologías del Lenguaje de la Agenda Digital by the Secretary of State of Telecommunications and the Information. It is the first publicly funded text mining unit in Spain. It aims to promote the development of natural language processing and machine translation resources for Spanish and other co-official languages in biomedicine.

The candidate will work within an international project integrated into a team of researchers working on topics related to deep learning approaches applied to information extraction (NER), entity linking and language modelling on biomedical documents. The candidate will have the opportunity to work on developing cross-lingual NLP systems and applying cutting-edge technologies in the area of NLP and language modelling applied to the biomedical field. Opportunity access and explore HPC applied to NLP.

Key Duties

  • Participate in internal group meetings and other scientific discussions.
  • Preparation and presentation of scientific articles.
  • Collaborate in the preparation and presentation of scientific projects.
  • Collaborate with the members of the group in the generation and evaluation of resources

Termini per aplicar: Dimarts, 16 Maig, 2023

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