EU Delegations' Traineeships

The European External Action Service (EEAS) is the European Union's diplomatic service. It helps the EU's foreign affairs chief, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, to carry out the Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy.

Traineeship opportunities in EU Delegations around the world are offered to students, young graduates and trainee civil servants.

Traineeship in EU Delegations should have the following main objectives:

  • To provide trainees with a unique experience about the daily work of an EU Delegation while learning about the representation of the EU interests and values outside of the EU;
  • To offer trainees the possibility of discovering directly the multicultural, multilingual and multi-ethnic working environment of a Delegation;
  • To offer trainees the possibility of applying the knowledge acquired during their studies or their early professional life;
  • To create a group of young people with direct experience in the work of the EU outside of its borders and who could become future collaborators of the EEAS or other EU Institutions.

Based on the Decision ADMIN(2017)28 of 22.12.2017 on the Rules related to Traineeships in the Delegations of the European Union and the Decision ADMIN(2020) 50 of 3 December 2020, traineeships are offered under four different pillars:

Funded traineeship for young graduates with less than one year of professional experience;

Unfunded compulsory traineeship for students already residing and studying in the host country;

Traineeship for students of national administration schools of Member States;

Traineeship for trainee civil servants of an administration in a Member State as part of their compulsory professional training.

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