Would you like to get in touch with employers from another country or to take information about living and working conditions in another country?
You can get everything in one place! EURES Slovakia will be holding the first edition of the online Jobfair „With EURES to EUROPE!“. This online recruiting event gives you the possibility to find a new job opportunities in the various sectors in all Europe. Be part of our European Job Day!
Join us online on 12. May 2022 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm!
With this event, EURES aims to bring together Slovak and all the European jobseekers/ job changers and employers from different sectors across Europe.
Are you a Jobseeker?
1. Find and apply for jobs
In advance of the event you will be able to go through employers’ profiles, search for job opportunities and apply for those matching your profile. As a result, you may then be invited for one or more interviews.
2. Step by step to succeed
On May 12th (10.00-13:00 CEST) you can join us online and follow a programme of interesting presentations of employers, EURES advisers and much more.
3. Talk to us!
On the day, you can chat online (10.00-13:00 CEST) with employers and get one-to-one advice from EURES Advisers in several European countries, on your career move.
During the Programme, you can also ask questions and add your input at the Q&A session after each presentation.
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