Allianz Climate Risk Research Award 2021

Launched in 2017, the Allianz Climate Risk Research Award acknowledges and rewards young scientists whose works shed light on the nexus between climate change and the extreme weather events that threaten millions of livelihoods and present ways these populations could be better protected. It targets PhD candidates and Post-Doctoral researchers whose research focuses on:

Reducing the risk of extreme weather events that are intensified by climate change;

Fostering resilience by applying technological solutions.

Applications are usually received from all over the world. Ten candidates are shortlisted by a jury and their work is published in a Compendium. Out of the ten, four are invited to Munich, Germany, to present their research at the awards ceremony.

In addition to having all expenses paid for, all four finalists received cash prizes, ranging from EUR2,000 to EUR7,000 to support their research.

Deadline: 15 September  2021

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