Moocs per a l'agost

Si penseu estar actius a l'agost aquí us deixo unes quantes propostes formatives gratuïtes i provinents d'universitats de tot el món.

Ser más creativos. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Inici 5 d'agost
Todos podemos potenciar nuestra creatividad a través de procedimientos, rutinas y protocolos sencillos. En este curso desarrollaremos estos conocimientos y habilidades a través de retos que activan nuestros talentos para encontrar soluciones originales.

Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation. UC BerkeleyX. Inici 11 d'agost
A simple conceptual introduction to quantum mechanics and quantum computation.

Climate Change. University of Melbourne. Inici 12 d'agost
This course develops an interdisciplinary understanding of the social, political, economic and scientific perspectives on climate change.

Matemáticas y movimiento. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Inici 12 d'agost
El curso propone un acercamiento a la Matemática Preuniversitaria donde el contexto del movimiento en línea recta dará significado al conocimiento y la tecnología será el medio para interactuar con el mismo.

Software as a Service. UC BerkeleyX. Inici 13 d'agost.

Teaches sophisticated SaaS+Agile skills, such as working with legacy code, building on basics from CS

Computational Investing, Part I. Georgia Institute of technology. Inici 19 d'agost
Find out how modern electronic markets work, why stock prices change in the ways they do, and how computation can help our understanding of them.  Build algorithms and visualizations to inform investing practice.

Linear CircuitsGeorgia Institute of technology. Inici 19 d'agost
Learn the analysis of circuits including resistors, capacitors, and inductors. This course is directed towards people who are in science or engineering fields outside of the disciplines of electrical or computer engineering.

Learn to Program: The Fundamentals. University of Toronto.  Inici 19 i 24 d'agost
Behind every mouse click and touch-screen tap, there is a computer program that makes things happen. This course introduces the fundamental building blocks of programming and teaches you how to write fun and useful programs using the Python language.

Calculus One. The Ohio State University. Inici 23 d'agost
Calculus One is a first introduction to differential and integral calculus, emphasizing engaging examples from everyday life.

Algorithms, Part I. Princetown University. Inici 23 d'agost
This course covers the essential information that every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms and data structures, with emphasis on applications and scientific performance analysis of Java implementations. Part I covers basic iterable data types, sorting, and searching algorithms.

Introduction to Sustainability. University of Illinois.  Inici 26 d'agost
This course introduces the academic discipline of sustainability and explores how today’s human societies can endure in the face of global change, ecosystem degradation and resource limitations.

Information Security and Risk Management in Context. University of Washington. Inici 28 d'agost
Learn to defend and protect vital company information using the latest technology and defense strategies. Analyze internal and external threats to proactively prevent information attacks. Gain experience by solving real-world problems and leave the class equipped to establish and oversee information security.

Building an Information Risk Management ToolkitUniversity of Washington. Inici 28 d'agost
In this course, you will explore several structured, risk management approaches that guide information security decision-making. 

Designing and Executing Information Security StrategiesUniversity of Washington. Inici 28 d'agost
This course provides you with opportunities to integrate and apply your information security knowledge.

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